Prodigal in Nature

Is it a prehistoric man stranded in modern era? Or is it a technophobically sick man? Or simply the man who just doesn't get it? Worse, a man of merchandise, a salesman?

Isn't it weird to being able to do sampling, to pick up found sounds, to twist the synth, to mix and remix and recycle, but not to use email?

They even have their own underground thingy by which any legal authority will be pissed. In this period of superhuge storage of email inbox, underground things are even more secure than ever before. Yet, the technophobic sleeze remains. Or not?

If not, then it's only a slight chance that they are for real, after all these years.


Reading Room

The idea begins with completely abandoning the conventional use of weblog as some kind of journal archived temporarily.

As news sites or blogs are there with various implementation of xml, and a good xml feed is frequenty updated, why not put various feeds into one basket, the blog? Therefore, say good bye to aggregators since regular browser with minimal javascript capability might just perfectly work.

This so-called 'reading room' is then like a piece of newspaper with the content i can choose and customize. I can pick the source from anywhere i like. I can sort it, contract it, or place an external link to view it in toto. Even better, i can place a message board so i can make a fresh comment about the news (a new way to treat blog items, eh? at least for me).

A simple idea, so far i think, that at least for me revives the use of xml devoid the irritating operation of lots of present day aggregators.



Home courtesy of: [ ArtistServer ] [ CreateDigitalMusic ] [ Feed2JS ] [ FunProx ] [ MusicThing ] such that this reading room is what it looks like